
Graduate School

2009 Self-Study Electronic Resource Room


Criterion One: Mission and Integrity

Read Chapter 2

Integrity pervades every aspect of the management and operations of Future Generations. It is about being what you say you are and doing what you say you will do. It is about being a trustworthy partner in societal development and a responsible steward for “generations yet to come,” as the conclusion of our Mission Statement stipulates.

Core Component
1a: The organization's mission documents are clear and articulate publicly the organization's commitments.
1b. In its mission documents, the organization recognizes the diversity of its learners, other constituencies, and the greater society it serves.
1c. Understanding of and support for the mission pervade the organization.
1d. The organization's governance and administrative structures promote effective leadership and support collaborative processes that enable the organization to fulfill its mission.
1e. The organization upholds and protects its integrity.

Criterion Two: Preparing for the Future

Read Chapter 3

The organization’s allocation of resources and its processes for evaluation and planning demonstrate its capacity to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its education, and respond to future challenges and opportunities.

Core Component
2a: The organization realistically prepares for a future shaped by multiple societal and economic trends.
2b: The organization's resource base supports its educational programs and its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future.
2c: The organization's ongoing evaluation and assessment processes provide reliable evidence of institutional effectiveness that clearly informs strategies for continuous improvement.
2d: All levels of planning align with the organization's mission, thereby enhancing its capacity to fulfill that mission.

Criterion Three: Student Learning and Effective Teaching

Read Chapter 4

Through the three components of blended learning, applied field-based instruction is combined with a multi-disciplinary curriculum spanning health, conservation, and social science. Blended learning is a powerful, flexible instructional tool, providing the pedagogical foundation of each course.

Core Component
3a: The organization's goals for student learning outcomes are clearly stated for each educational program and make effective assessment possible.
3b: The organization values and supports effective teaching.
3c: The organization creates effective learning environments.
3d: The organization's learning resources support student learning and effective teaching.

Criterion Four: Acquisition, Discovery and Application of Knowledge

Read Chapter 5

The ongoing acquisition of knowledge and its application are central to our mission, which recognizes the simultaneous and interconnected involvement of teaching, application, and basic research roles in higher education.

Core Component
4a: The organization demonstrates, through the actions of its board, administrators, students, faculty, and staff, that it values a life of learning.
4b: The organization demonstrates that acquisition of a breadth of knowledge and skills and the exercise of intellectual inquiry are integral to its educational programs.
4c: The organization assesses the usefulness of its curricula to students who will live and work in a global, diverse, and technological society.
4d: The organization provides support to ensure that faculty, students, and staff acquire, discover, and apply knowledge responsibly.

Criterion Five: Engagement and Service

Read Chapter 6

Serving a broad, globally inclusive constituency is a defining trait of the graduate program of Future Generations.

Core Component
5a: The organization learns from the constituencies it serves and analyzes its capacity to serve their needs and expectations.
5b: The organization has the capacity and the commitment to engage with its identified constituencies and communities.
5c: The organization demonstrates its responsiveness to those constituencies that depend on it for service.
5d: Internal and external constituencies value the services the organization provides.

Federal Compliance

Read Chapter 7

Future Generations Graduate School is in compliance with all federal requirements. The school recognizes that compliance with stated requirements is essential to its integrity and that the implementation of policies and procedures is necessary to maintain its reliability.